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Down By Law (Jim Jarmusch, USA, 1986)

The excitement [of Down by Law] comes from the realization that we are seeing a true film maker at work, using film to create a narrative that couldn’t exist on the stage or the printed page of a novel. The excitement (of Down by Law) comes from the realization that we are seeing a true film maker at work, using film to create a narrative that couldn’t exist on the stage or the printed page of a novel.
— Vincent Canby, New York Times

Screened in tribute to Robby Müller (1940-2018)

In the words of Roger Ebert, "Down by Law is a movie about cheap whiskey and black coffee, all-night drunks and lost jobs, and the bad times you can have with good-time girls." Tom Waits, John Lurie and Roberto Benigni star, respectively, as an unemployed DJ, a pimp and a bewildered Italian tourist who find themselves sharing a jail cell and are soon hatching a plan to escape.