Tuesday 6 August @ The Lord Palmerston 8pm
“This masterpiece still packs a wallop, though nothing in it is as simple as it may first appear.” - Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader 

Early Kubrick – and one of his best (which is saying something.) Kirk Douglas stars as the commanding officer of a unit of soldiers during this First World War who are court martialed and tried for cowardice after they refuse orders and retreat from a suicidal attack. As haunting as it is thought-provoking.


Related links

Paths of Glory on IMDb

Paths of Glory: No 7 best action and war film of all time - David Thomson piece in the Guardian

Paths of Glory - Criterion Collection - includes essays and clips


Why did we pick it?

Following 10 Rillington Place, another film exlporing capital punishment.





AuthorTufnell Park Film Club